Track Your Order

Most of our packages need to arrive at the local location before we can get logistics information. Usually within 7 working days.

We will process orders within 48 hours. After the order is processed, tracking information will be available online within 7 days. This means that your shipping information will be available for online tracking within 7-9 days.

For the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Poland, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal, Ireland, Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, and Mexico, 99% of our shipments are handled by Local high-quality logistics provider and can be tracked on The shipping time is 5-14 business days.

For other countries, 95% of our shipments are handled by China Post. The shipping time is 8-18 business days.

Please enter your tracking number below. If the tracking number does not work, please contact us at

Please note, if your order does not have tracking information available after 9 days, please contact us for assistance. You can choose between option A: Reshipment or option B: Refund.

Due to the strict customs inspection period from August to November, our delivery time may be 1-2 days slower than usual